Post History
#15: Post edited
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of interpretive _authority_ within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- **Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church:** While the Ethiopian Orthodox Church was historically under the authority of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarch of Alexandria, it gained its own Patriarchate in the 20th century, becoming autocephalous (self-governing). It holds a unique position, drawing authority from its extensive Old and New Testament canon (including apocryphal/deuterocanonical texts like Enoch and Jubilees), Apostolic Tradition, the Nicene Creed, and the teachings of the early Church Fathers. Their sacred texts are primarily preserved in Ge'ez, and their theological interpretations are deeply rooted in their historical and cultural context.- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.- ### Catholicism
- **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.- #### Magisterial Reformation
These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups reject established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejects infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritize a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rests in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasize the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledge the importance of Scripture, they believe that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They reject formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation. However, Baptist traditions have been strongly influenced by Evangelicalism and Revivalism, adopting many of their emphases on personal conversion and experiential faith, as well as various movements listed below.- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and preoccupation with eschatology and end-times prophecies are prevalent.
- **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (_glossolalia_), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition, and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasizes "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition and/or <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">hermeneutic</a> you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
- See <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">**Biblical interpretive approaches**</a>.
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of <a href="/help/biblical-texts">the biblical canon</a>.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes <a href="/help/biblical-texts">authoritative texts</a> and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what <a href="/help/biblical-texts">the Bible</a> says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of interpretive _authority_ within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a <a href="/help/biblical-texts">broader canon</a> than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church:** While the Ethiopian Orthodox Church was historically under the authority of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarch of Alexandria, it gained its own Patriarchate in the 20th century, becoming autocephalous (self-governing). It holds a unique position, drawing authority from <a href="/help/biblical-texts">its extensive Old and New Testament canon</a> (including apocryphal/deuterocanonical texts like Enoch and Jubilees), Apostolic Tradition, the Nicene Creed, and the teachings of the early Church Fathers. Their sacred texts are primarily preserved in Ge'ez, and their theological interpretations are deeply rooted in their historical and cultural context.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream Orthodox churches have fallen away from true Orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining Orthodox Church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and <a href="/help/biblical-texts">Scripture</a> as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in <a href="/help/biblical-texts">the Bible</a> alone, typically defined as <a href="/help/biblical-texts">the 66-book Protestant canon</a>. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (<a href="/help/biblical-texts">Scripture</a> alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of <a href="/help/biblical-texts">Scripture</a>. Some groups reject established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejects infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritize a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rests in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasize the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledge the importance of Scripture, they believe that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They reject formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in <a href="/help/biblical-texts">the Bible</a>, as interpreted by the individual congregation. However, Baptist traditions have been strongly influenced by Evangelicalism and Revivalism, adopting many of their emphases on personal conversion and experiential faith, as well as various movements listed below.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and preoccupation with eschatology and end-times prophecies are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the <a href="/help/biblical-texts">New Testament</a>, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm <a href="/help/biblical-texts">scripture</a> as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (_glossolalia_), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition, and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasizes "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of <a href="/help/biblical-texts">scripture</a> and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. Due to the inherent subjectivity within some of these traditions, a high bar may be set for participation on this site. This is to ensure that answers cite _established_ views that have been articulated by others, rather than solely relying on the private opinion of the person answering the question, even if their tradition allows for a high degree of individual interpretation. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on <a href="/help/biblical-texts">what constitutes authoritative texts</a> and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what <a href="/help/biblical-texts">the Bible</a> says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition and/or <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">hermeneutic</a> you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
- See <a href="/help/biblical-texts">**What is the Bible?**</a>
- See <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">**Biblical interpretive approaches**</a>.
#13: Post edited
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of interpretive _authority_ within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups reject established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejects infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritize a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rests in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasize the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledge the importance of Scripture, they believe that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They reject formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation. However, Baptist traditions have been strongly influenced by Evangelicalism and Revivalism, adopting many of their emphases on personal conversion and experiential faith, as well as various movements listed below.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and preoccupation with eschatology and end-times prophecies are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (_glossolalia_), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition, and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasizes "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition and/or <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">hermeneutic</a> you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
- See <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">**Biblical interpretive approaches**</a>.
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of interpretive _authority_ within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church:** While the Ethiopian Orthodox Church was historically under the authority of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarch of Alexandria, it gained its own Patriarchate in the 20th century, becoming autocephalous (self-governing). It holds a unique position, drawing authority from its extensive Old and New Testament canon (including apocryphal/deuterocanonical texts like Enoch and Jubilees), Apostolic Tradition, the Nicene Creed, and the teachings of the early Church Fathers. Their sacred texts are primarily preserved in Ge'ez, and their theological interpretations are deeply rooted in their historical and cultural context.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups reject established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejects infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritize a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rests in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasize the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledge the importance of Scripture, they believe that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They reject formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation. However, Baptist traditions have been strongly influenced by Evangelicalism and Revivalism, adopting many of their emphases on personal conversion and experiential faith, as well as various movements listed below.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and preoccupation with eschatology and end-times prophecies are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (_glossolalia_), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition, and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasizes "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition and/or <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">hermeneutic</a> you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
- See <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">**Biblical interpretive approaches**</a>.
#10: Post edited
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of interpretive _authority_ within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups reject established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejects infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritize a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rests in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasize the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledge the importance of Scripture, they believe that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They reject formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation. However, Baptist traditions have been strongly influenced by Evangelicalism and Revivalism, adopting many of their emphases on personal conversion and experiential faith, as well as various movements listed below.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and preoccupation with eschatology and end-times prophecies are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (_glossolalia_), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).- **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasized "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition and/or <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">hermeneutic</a> you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
- See <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">**Biblical interpretive approaches**</a>.
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of interpretive _authority_ within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups reject established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejects infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritize a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rests in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasize the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledge the importance of Scripture, they believe that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They reject formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation. However, Baptist traditions have been strongly influenced by Evangelicalism and Revivalism, adopting many of their emphases on personal conversion and experiential faith, as well as various movements listed below.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and preoccupation with eschatology and end-times prophecies are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (_glossolalia_), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition, and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasizes "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition and/or <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">hermeneutic</a> you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
- See <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">**Biblical interpretive approaches**</a>.
#9: Post edited
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of interpretive _authority_ within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups reject established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejects infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritize a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rests in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasize the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledge the importance of Scripture, they believe that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They reject formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation. However, Baptist traditions have been strongly influenced by Evangelicalism and Revivalism, adopting many of their emphases on personal conversion and experiential faith, as well as various movements listed below.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and preoccupation with eschatology and end-times prophecies are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (glossolalia), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasized "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition and/or <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">hermeneutic</a> you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
- See <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">**Biblical interpretive approaches**</a>.
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of interpretive _authority_ within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups reject established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejects infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritize a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rests in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasize the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledge the importance of Scripture, they believe that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They reject formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation. However, Baptist traditions have been strongly influenced by Evangelicalism and Revivalism, adopting many of their emphases on personal conversion and experiential faith, as well as various movements listed below.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and preoccupation with eschatology and end-times prophecies are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (_glossolalia_), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasized "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition and/or <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">hermeneutic</a> you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
- See <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">**Biblical interpretive approaches**</a>.
#8: Post edited
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of interpretive _authority_ within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups reject established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejects infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritize a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rests in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasize the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledge the importance of Scripture, they believe that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They reject formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation. However, Baptist traditions have been strongly influenced by Evangelicalism and Revivalism, adopting many of their emphases on personal conversion and experiential faith, as well as various movements listed below.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and a focus on eschatological escapism are prevalent.- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (glossolalia), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasized "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition and/or <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">hermeneutic</a> you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
- See <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">**Biblical interpretive approaches**</a>.
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of interpretive _authority_ within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups reject established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejects infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritize a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rests in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasize the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledge the importance of Scripture, they believe that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They reject formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation. However, Baptist traditions have been strongly influenced by Evangelicalism and Revivalism, adopting many of their emphases on personal conversion and experiential faith, as well as various movements listed below.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and preoccupation with eschatology and end-times prophecies are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (glossolalia), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasized "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition and/or <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">hermeneutic</a> you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
- See <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">**Biblical interpretive approaches**</a>.
#7: Post edited
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of interpretive _authority_ within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups reject established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejects infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritize a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rests in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasize the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledge the importance of Scripture, they believe that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They reject formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation.- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and a focus on eschatological escapism are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (glossolalia), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasized "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition and/or <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">hermeneutic</a> you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
- See <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">**Biblical interpretive approaches**</a>.
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of interpretive _authority_ within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups reject established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejects infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritize a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rests in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasize the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledge the importance of Scripture, they believe that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They reject formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation. However, Baptist traditions have been strongly influenced by Evangelicalism and Revivalism, adopting many of their emphases on personal conversion and experiential faith, as well as various movements listed below.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and a focus on eschatological escapism are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (glossolalia), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasized "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition and/or <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">hermeneutic</a> you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
- See <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">**Biblical interpretive approaches**</a>.
#6: Post edited
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.- ## A diverse landscape
To illustrate the diverse understandings of authority within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups reject established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejects infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritize a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rests in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasize the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledge the importance of Scripture, they believe that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They reject formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and a focus on eschatological escapism are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (glossolalia), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasized "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and interpretation, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition or viewpoint you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and interpretation, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of interpretive _authority_ within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups reject established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejects infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritize a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rests in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasize the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledge the importance of Scripture, they believe that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They reject formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and a focus on eschatological escapism are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (glossolalia), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasized "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">how they should be interpreted</a>, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition and/or <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">hermeneutic</a> you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">interpretation</a>, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
- See <a href="/help/interpretive-approaches">**Biblical interpretive approaches**</a>.
#5: Post edited
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of authority within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups reject established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejects infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritize a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rests in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasize the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledge the importance of Scripture, they believe that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They reject formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and a focus on eschatological escapism are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (glossolalia), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasized "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- **Unitarian Universalism:** While some Unitarian Universalist congregations identify as Christian, the movement as a whole emphasizes individual spiritual exploration and ethical living rather than adherence to specific Christian doctrines. Authority is placed in individual conscience, reason, and experience, with a wide range of theological perspectives welcomed. Many Unitarian Universalist congregations do not hold to traditional Christian doctrines.- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and interpretation, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition or viewpoint you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and interpretation, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of authority within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups reject established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejects infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritize a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rests in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasize the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledge the importance of Scripture, they believe that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They reject formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and a focus on eschatological escapism are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (glossolalia), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasized "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and interpretation, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition or viewpoint you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and interpretation, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
#4: Post edited
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of authority within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups rejected established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.- **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejected infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritized a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rested in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.- **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasized the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledged the importance of Scripture, they believed that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They rejected formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and a focus on eschatological escapism are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (glossolalia), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasized "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Unitarian Universalism:** While some Unitarian Universalist congregations identify as Christian, the movement as a whole emphasizes individual spiritual exploration and ethical living rather than adherence to specific Christian doctrines. Authority is placed in individual conscience, reason, and experience, with a wide range of theological perspectives welcomed. Many Unitarian Universalist congregations do not hold to traditional Christian doctrines.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and interpretation, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition or viewpoint you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and interpretation, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of authority within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups reject established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejects infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritize a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rests in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasize the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledge the importance of Scripture, they believe that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They reject formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and a focus on eschatological escapism are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (glossolalia), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasized "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Unitarian Universalism:** While some Unitarian Universalist congregations identify as Christian, the movement as a whole emphasizes individual spiritual exploration and ethical living rather than adherence to specific Christian doctrines. Authority is placed in individual conscience, reason, and experience, with a wide range of theological perspectives welcomed. Many Unitarian Universalist congregations do not hold to traditional Christian doctrines.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and interpretation, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition or viewpoint you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and interpretation, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
#3: Post edited
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of authority within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils documents through the lens of tradition.- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups rejected established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejected infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritized a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rested in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasized the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledged the importance of Scripture, they believed that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They rejected formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and a focus on eschatological escapism are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (glossolalia), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasized "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Unitarian Universalism:** While some Unitarian Universalist congregations identify as Christian, the movement as a whole emphasizes individual spiritual exploration and ethical living rather than adherence to specific Christian doctrines. Authority is placed in individual conscience, reason, and experience, with a wide range of theological perspectives welcomed. Many Unitarian Universalist congregations do not hold to traditional Christian doctrines.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and interpretation, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition or viewpoint you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and interpretation, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of authority within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils' documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups rejected established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejected infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritized a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rested in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasized the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledged the importance of Scripture, they believed that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They rejected formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and a focus on eschatological escapism are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (glossolalia), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasized "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Unitarian Universalism:** While some Unitarian Universalist congregations identify as Christian, the movement as a whole emphasizes individual spiritual exploration and ethical living rather than adherence to specific Christian doctrines. Authority is placed in individual conscience, reason, and experience, with a wide range of theological perspectives welcomed. Many Unitarian Universalist congregations do not hold to traditional Christian doctrines.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and interpretation, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition or viewpoint you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and interpretation, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
#2: Post edited
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of authority within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from he Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups rejected established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejected infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritized a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rested in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasized the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledged the importance of Scripture, they believed that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They rejected formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and a focus on eschatological escapism are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (glossolalia), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasized "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Unitarian Universalism:** While some Unitarian Universalist congregations identify as Christian, the movement as a whole emphasizes individual spiritual exploration and ethical living rather than adherence to specific Christian doctrines. Authority is placed in individual conscience, reason, and experience, with a wide range of theological perspectives welcomed. Many Unitarian Universalist congregations do not hold to traditional Christian doctrines.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and interpretation, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition or viewpoint you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and interpretation, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
- A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices.
- This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points:
- - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon.
- - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly.
- - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed.
- ## A diverse landscape
- To illustrate the diverse understandings of authority within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views:
- ### Orthodoxy
- - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church.
- - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures.
- - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical.
- - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential.
- ### Catholicism
- - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium.
- - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions.
- - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils documents through the lens of tradition.
- - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities.
- - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition.
- - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church.
- ### Protestantism
- For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church.
- #### Magisterial Reformation
- These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically.
- - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents.
- - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches.
- - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority.
- #### Radical Reformation
- This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups rejected established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists.
- - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejected infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritized a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rested in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance.
- - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasized the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledged the importance of Scripture, they believed that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They rejected formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice.
- - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation.
- #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism
- Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and a focus on eschatological escapism are prevalent.
- - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
- - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday).
- - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army.
- Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation.
- - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself.
- - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative.
- - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches.
- - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority.
- ### Pentecostalism
- Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (glossolalia), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority.
- - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts).
- - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasized "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example.
- - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc.
- - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations.
- ### Non-Mainstream Christians
- Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ.
- To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines.
- - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority.
- - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding.
- - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture.
- - **Unitarian Universalism:** While some Unitarian Universalist congregations identify as Christian, the movement as a whole emphasizes individual spiritual exploration and ethical living rather than adherence to specific Christian doctrines. Authority is placed in individual conscience, reason, and experience, with a wide range of theological perspectives welcomed. Many Unitarian Universalist congregations do not hold to traditional Christian doctrines.
- - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International.
- ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue
- As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and interpretation, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives.
- This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions.
- Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition or viewpoint you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and interpretation, we can build a more informed and enriching community.
#1: Initial revision
Authority within Christian traditions
A key point of divergence within Christianity lies in the understanding and application of authority. Different traditions recognize distinct sources of authority, leading to diverse interpretations and practices. This diversity within Christianity highlights several critical points: - Christians hold differing views on the composition of the biblical canon. - The authority and interpretation of historical councils and documents vary significantly. - Christianity encompasses a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about 'Christian perspectives' or 'what the Bible says' are problematic. 'Scripture alone' questions, for instance, typically reflect a Protestant view. To ensure relevant answers, specify the Christian tradition or viewpoint you seek. Unspecified questions that lead to subjective answers may be closed. ## A diverse landscape To illustrate the diverse understandings of authority within Christianity, here's a glimpse into the variety of Christian traditions and their respective views: ### Orthodoxy - **Eastern Orthodox:** Authority is derived from he Seven Ecumenical Councils, Sacred Scripture (including a broader canon than Catholicism and the Septuagint as the primary source for the Old Testament), Holy Tradition (including the writings of the Church Fathers), and canon law. The consensus of the Church (_sobornost_) is also a key aspect of authority. Each autocephalous (self-headed) church has its own synod of bishops that holds local authority, while maintaining communion with the wider Orthodox Church. - **Oriental Orthodox:** The Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean traditions, hold to the authority of the first three Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea, Constantinople, and Ephesus), their own synods, and the Patristic writings of their respective traditions. They have a distinct understanding of Christology, which differentiates them from the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. They also maintain their own autocephalous structures. - **Old Believers (within Russian Orthodoxy):** These groups separated from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in protest against liturgical reforms. They emphasize the preservation of "old" liturgical practices and texts (and calendar), viewing them as essential to maintaining true Orthodoxy. They hold to the same source of authority as the mainstream Russian Orthodox church, but believe that the reforms were uncanonical. - **Separatist Groups:** These groups have separated from mainstream Eastern Orthodox Churches, often citing perceived ecumenical compromises or deviations from traditional Orthodoxy. They tend to emphasize strict adherence to patristic teachings and canonical norms, often rejecting contemporary synods they deem to have fallen into heresy. They believe that the mainstream orthodox churches have fallen away from true orthodoxy, and that they are the only true remaining orthodox church. They often have very strong opinions on who is considered to be a valid bishop. Many view the adoption of the revised Julian calendar as uncanonical, believing the traditional calendar is essential. ### Catholicism - **Roman Catholic:** Authority is vested in the Pope (as successor of Peter), the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, and Sacred Tradition and Scripture as interpreted by the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church). Ecumenical councils are considered authoritative expressions of this Magisterium. - **Eastern Catholic:** While in communion with the Pope, these Churches (e.g., Byzantine/Ruthenian, Maronite) maintain their own liturgical traditions, canon law, and hierarchical structures, while still accepting the authority of the Pope. Their authority includes their own particular synods and patristic traditions. - **Traditionalist Catholic Groups:** These groups generally accept pre-Vatican II teachings and practices as authoritative. They often question or reject certain aspects of Vatican II, particularly regarding liturgical changes and ecumenism. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), while having complex relations with the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the authority of pre-Vatican II Magisterium, and the Pope, but interprets the councils documents through the lens of tradition. - **Sedevacantists:** These groups believe the papal seat is vacant, rejecting the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II popes. They consider pre-Vatican II teachings and popes as the sole legitimate authorities. - **Charismatic Catholics:** While remaining under the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church, they place a high value on personal experiences of the Holy Spirit, including spiritual gifts, within the context of Catholic doctrine and tradition. - **Personal Ordinariates:** These are structures created for former Anglicans who wish to enter full communion with the Catholic Church. They retain aspects of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual heritage, while accepting the full authority of the Catholic Church. ### Protestantism For Protestants, authority primarily rests in the Bible alone, typically defined as the 66-book Protestant canon. Within Protestantism, different groups are typically referred to as "denominations." This stems from the theological doctrine of the "invisible church," which posits that all true believers, regardless of their specific affiliation, are part of one unified body of Christ. Thus, while visible organizations are separated into denominations, they are all considered part of the larger, invisible church. #### Magisterial Reformation These Protestant traditions (Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican) emphasize _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the ultimate authority, alongside the other [five _solae_]( Confessions of faith served as authoritative interpretations, with civil magistrates playing a role in enforcement historically. - **Lutheran:** While upholding "Scripture alone," Lutherans also consider the Lutheran Confessions (with variations in defined documents) to be authoritative and binding interpretations of Scripture. Other confessional Protestant denominations follow a similar pattern with their own historical documents. - **Reformed:** This Protestant tradition emphasizes God's sovereignty and _Sola Scriptura_ (Scripture alone) as the supreme authority, as articulated in confessions like the Westminster Confession. These confessions serve as authoritative interpretations of Scripture, guiding doctrine and practice within Reformed churches. - **Anglican:** Authority within the Anglican Communion is often described as a "three-legged stool" of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This means that while Scripture holds primary authority, it is interpreted in light of the historic traditions of the Church and through the use of reason. The _Book of Common Prayer_ and the _Thirty-Nine Articles_ also hold significant authority. #### Radical Reformation This diverse movement rejected both Catholic and Magisterial Reformation authority, emphasizing direct, personal experience of the Holy Spirit and individual interpretation of Scripture. Some groups rejected established church structures and civil authority altogether, often prioritizing pacifism and communal living. Examples of such groups include Anabaptists, Moravians, Puritans, Quakers (and Shakers), and Baptists. - **Anabaptist:** This diverse group, including the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren, rejected infant baptism, emphasizing believer's baptism as a sign of a voluntary commitment to Christ. They generally prioritized a strict adherence to the New Testament, pacifism, separation from the world, and communal living. Authority rested in Scripture as interpreted by the community of believers, often with a strong emphasis on direct spiritual guidance. - **Quaker:** Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) emphasized the "Inner Light" or direct experience of Christ within each individual as the primary source of authority. While they acknowledged the importance of Scripture, they believed that the Holy Spirit could directly guide believers. They rejected formal creeds, sacraments, and hierarchical church structures, prioritizing simplicity, pacifism, and social justice. - **Baptist:** For Baptists, authority primarily rests in the Bible, as interpreted by the individual congregation. #### Evangelicalism and Revivalism Emerging from the Great Awakenings and subsequent revival movements, Evangelicalism and Revivalism represent a diverse and dynamic strand of Protestantism. Often characterized by a rejection of liturgical formality and a strong emphasis on personal conversion, these movements prioritize individual experience and enthusiasm as expressions of faith. Authority, while rooted in Scripture, is frequently interpreted through the lens of personal revelation and communal discernment. Themes such as individualism, faith as experiential knowledge, a dualistic worldview, and a focus on eschatological escapism are prevalent. - **Restorationism:** Authority is centered on a literal interpretation of the New Testament, seeking to "restore" the primitive church. Individual congregations and leaders often hold significant authority in interpreting Scripture and implementing practices. Examples include Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ. - **Adventism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, particularly prophetic texts, and often interpreted through the writings of key figures like Ellen G. White. Denominational structures and conferences play a role in doctrinal interpretation and guidance. The most prevalent example is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but there are many smaller groups as well, including some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews (largely due to their emphasis of Sabbath observance on Saturday). - **Holiness Movement:** Authority emphasizes Scripture, particularly regarding sanctification and the pursuit of holiness. Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of influential leaders also hold significant weight. Examples include Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson, IN), and The Salvation Army. Below are movements and perspectives that tend to be shared by many evangelicals regardless of affiliation. - **Dispensationalism:** Authority is based on a specific, literal interpretation of Scripture, dividing biblical history into distinct dispensations. This system of interpretation becomes the authoritative framework for understanding scripture. This interpretive framework is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and some evangelical free churches, rather than being a denomination itself. - **Liberalism:** Authority is often viewed as residing in reason, experience, and historical-critical analysis of Scripture. Liberal theology tends to emphasize ethical and social justice concerns, often prioritizing the "spirit" of the Bible over its literal interpretation. It often seeks to reconcile Christian faith with modern scientific and philosophical thought. Examples include the United Methodist Church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA). - **Fundamentalism:** Fundamentalists, often reacting to liberalism, assert the authority of Scripture as inerrant, infallible, and literally interpreted, emphasizing specific essential doctrines (e.g., the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the inerrancy of the Bible). It often emphasizes a separation from "worldly" influences and a defense of traditional Christian beliefs against perceived threats from secularism and liberal theology. This perspective is prevalent across many denominations, particularly within independent Baptist churches and even within conservative factions within mainline denominations. Some such groups may claim specific biblical manuscript traditions (e.g., _Textus Receptus_) or English translations (e.g., 1611 Authorized Version / KJV) as authoritative. - **Mega-Church Movement:** Authority is often centralized in the senior pastor or leadership team, who frequently adopt business insights and strategic management approaches, with a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application of biblical principles. Doctrinal statements and organizational structures also play a role. Examples include Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Community Church, and many large non-denominational churches. - **Contemporary Evangelical Trends:** These movements exhibit a diverse range of approaches to authority. **_Non-denominational_** churches are independent congregations that are not formally affiliated with a specific denominational structure. Authority is typically localized within the individual church, based on the Bible and the church's own doctrinal statement, leading to diverse interpretations across congregations. The **_Emerging Church_** often emphasizes communal discernment and dialogue (often aligned with progressive social perspectives), the **_Missional Movement_** focuses on contextualizing Scripture within contemporary culture, **_New Calvinism_** returns to confessions of faith and Reformed theology, and the **_Ancient-Future movement_** seeks to integrate historical Christian practices with contemporary evangelicalism. These movements all tend to affirm scripture as the highest authority. ### Pentecostalism Rooted in the Holiness Movement and fueled by the concept of a "Second Pentecost" and the "Latter Rain," Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century, particularly through the Apostolic Faith Movement and the transformative Azusa Street Revival. Characterized by a strong emphasis on direct spiritual experiences, Pentecostalism prioritizes practices such as baptism in the Holy Spirit (distinct from water baptism), speaking in tongues (glossolalia), faith healing, prophecy, and anointing. These practices are seen as tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence, often viewed as authoritative expressions of God's will. Some Pentecostal denominations also have established leadership structures and doctrinal statements that carry authority. - **Mainline Pentecostalism:** Authority is derived from Scripture, interpreted through the lens of spiritual experience and guided by denominational structures and doctrinal statements. Emphasis is placed on the "initial evidence" of Spirit baptism, typically speaking in tongues, as an authoritative sign. Examples include Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and Pentecostal Holiness Church. - **Charismatic Movement (Neo-Pentecostalism):** This movement brought Pentecostal experiences and practices into mainline Protestant and Catholic denominations. While remaining within their respective denominational structures, Charismatics emphasize the importance of spiritual gifts and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Authority is shared between scripture, tradition and the individual's experience, which is then used to interpret scripture and tradition. Examples include the Charismatic Episcopal Church and numerous charismatic renewal groups within mainline Protestant denominations (e.g., United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (remaining Catholic while embracing charismatic gifts). - **Third Wave Pentecostalism (Neo-Charismatic):** This movement further emphasized "power evangelism" and "signs and wonders" ministry. It often de-emphasizes the "initial evidence" doctrine, focusing instead on the broader manifestations of spiritual gifts. Authority is based on scripture and the individual's experience, with less emphasis on formal denominational structure. The Vineyard Churches are an example. - **Word of Faith Movement:** This movement emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession, often linking spiritual and material prosperity. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that emphasizes the believer's ability to claim God's promises through faith. Many such ministries are centered around "celebrity" leaders, including Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey, Rod Parsley, Frederick K.C. Price, etc. - **Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostal Churches:** These churches hold to a "Oneness" or "Jesus' Name" doctrine, rejecting the traditional Trinitarian understanding of God. They emphasize baptism in the name of Jesus Christ alone and often stress the importance of apostolic succession. Authority is derived from a specific interpretation of Scripture that supports their Oneness theology, and from the authority of their apostolic leadership structures. Examples include the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, United Pentecostal Church International, and many independent congregations. ### Non-Mainstream Christians Within the spectrum of those who identify as Christian, there are groups whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from mainstream Christian traditions. These groups often hold unique interpretations of scripture and doctrine, particularly regarding the nature of God and Jesus Christ. To ensure clarity and productive dialogue on this site, it's essential that questions and answers from these groups explicitly state the specific tradition or perspective they represent. This allows for a deeper understanding of their distinct viewpoints and facilitates respectful engagement with their unique interpretations of Christian faith. We welcome participation from diverse Christian perspectives, provided they are presented with clarity and respect for the site's guidelines. - **The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism):** Authority is derived from the Bible, the _Book of Mormon_, _Doctrine and Covenants_, and _Pearl of Great Price_, as well as continuing revelation through living prophets. The President of the Church is considered the highest authority. - **Jehovah's Witnesses:** Authority is derived from the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They adhere to a unique translation of the Bible (New World Translation) and emphasize the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible, the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including "The Watchtower" and "Awake!" magazines, are considered authoritative sources of doctrinal understanding. - **Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist):** Authority is based on the Bible and _Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures_ by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science emphasizes spiritual healing and the power of mind over matter, with a unique interpretation of scripture. - **Unitarian Universalism:** While some Unitarian Universalist congregations identify as Christian, the movement as a whole emphasizes individual spiritual exploration and ethical living rather than adherence to specific Christian doctrines. Authority is placed in individual conscience, reason, and experience, with a wide range of theological perspectives welcomed. Many Unitarian Universalist congregations do not hold to traditional Christian doctrines. - **Other Non-Mainstream Christian Groups:** These groups generally hold to unique interpretations of Scripture and often emphasize specific revelations or teachings from their founders or leaders. Authority is often centralized within their respective organizations, with varying degrees of emphasis on individual interpretation. They often reject traditional Trinitarian theology. Examples include Swedenborgianism (New Church), Christadelphians, Unity Church, Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), The Way International, and The Family International. ## Conclusion: The importance of specificity in Christian dialogue As we've explored, the Christian landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing a wide array of traditions, denominations, and movements. Each holds distinct understandings of authority and interpretation, leading to a vast spectrum of beliefs and perspectives. This diversity underscores the importance of specificity in our discussions. Because Christian traditions differ on what constitutes authoritative texts and how they should be interpreted, general questions about "Christian perspectives" or "what the Bible says" are problematic. "Scripture alone" questions, for instance, assume a Protestant view which is not shared by all Christian traditions. Therefore, when seeking answers on this platform, it is crucial to specify the particular Christian tradition or viewpoint you wish to explore. This approach not only ensures clarity and accuracy but also fosters respectful dialogue and deeper understanding across the diverse spectrum of Christian belief. By acknowledging and respecting the differences in authority and interpretation, we can build a more informed and enriching community.