Discussions and feedback about the site itself in Q&A format.
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We've had some discussion about scope on Meta for Q&A here including: What's on and off topic? Questions about theology, doctrine, philosophy How should we handle questions that (probably)...
I added a new close reason: too subjective: This question is subjective (i.e., opinion-based) and does not request a view from a specific Christian tradition or established hermeneutical method. ...
Don't you need to add a secular academic Hermeneutics site which sets apart from the dogma-based Christianity site? There will be always a huge barrier between religious believers and scientific st...
Reacting to answers is a pretty good feature I've to admit but the current reactions aren't a good fit here. Apparently, each community is free to do its own customizations [1], therefore, I'm pro...
When we launched this community, we did not yet have the ability to set different reputation grants for different categories. We've had this for a while but we failed to follow up before now, sorr...
Codidact's communities have a lot of great content that is helping people on the Internet. Our communities are small, though, and sustainable communities depend on having lots of active, engaged p...
Codidact has a different philosophy about how to grant privileges to users based on actual peer-reviewed performance of specific actions rather than (mere) reputation points. This new system is bei...
One of the concerns about allowing questions to ask for any perspective when asking theological questions is that it can turn voting into a popularity contest and spark debate that generates more h...
I feel like a "resources" category similar to what the Languages site has could be of use. One way would be to provide resources for people interested in providing answers, such as: Popular sys...
What should be on and off topic here? I'll post my proposals as answers to make them easily voted on.
We're off to a great start and even have our first question! The question provokes some interesting questions about scope that I figured it'd be best to raise here for the community to discuss. Ty...
Does it make sense to copy my content from the Other Site to this one? To be clear, I definitely don't want a straight dump of all the content. I'm not even sure that some rule-based mechanism wo...
I'm not Christian, so not part of your core group or target audience. I occasionally have questions about Christianity, but as an outsider I don't necessarily know which questions depend heavily o...
Self-explanatory title, what color scheme do you all think would be good here? This would affect the color of the category bar, right now it's purple.
As we start on building a new community here together, we're bound to find some sticking points. Those might be bugs, new features you need, things you need support with... whatever they are, the C...
Welcome to the Codidact site for Christianity! We're glad you're here and we're excited to see what you will build. This community is starting "from scratch", without importing Q&A from other...