Posts by gmcgath
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are called the Synoptic Gospels because they obviously draw upon common source material. John, in contrast, is less similar to any of them than they are to ea...
For most of its history, the Holy Roman Empire had laws against heresy. The Peace of Augsburg in 1555 recognized only Catholicism and Lutheranism, with each state picking one or the other. Everyone...
The doctrine that the Christian Bible is literally true in every respect is not as old as Christianity. If nothing else, there wasn't a settled Biblical canon until late in the 4th century. Through...
"The Reformation" wasn't a single shift, with or without Unitarianism. Its starting point and best-known aspect was Luther's break with the Catholic Church. Zwingli started a similar movement in Sw...
Here's the best answer I've come up with: Biblical literalism originates with Luther's "sola scriptura" doctrine. Others may have tightened what parts they believe are factual vs. which are simply ...
The Bible often uses clothing as a metaphor. I've found a Christ Covenant Church article that goes in detail into several examples. A few more examples: Colossians 3:12: "clothe yourselves with c...