Comments on Biblical Mythology as genre
Biblical Mythology as genre
What books or other resources introduce the different genres recognised in the Bible from a literary view? It would be helpful if the recommended resources address how scholars differentiate between Biblical mythology and other mythologies.
There is considerable debate in matters concerning literary criticism within Christianity, so many sources will reflect a certain perspective on the historicity of accounts and how genre interplays with such hermeneutic approaches. As such, a great deal of subjectivity is to be expected with such recommendations depending on one's a priori theological assumptions about the biblical texts. With that said, I have seen these texts widely recommended, but is by no means a comprehensive bibliography.
Alter, Robert. The Art of Biblical Narrative, rev. & updated ed. (New York: Basic Books, 2011).
Dinkler, Michal Beth, and John Collins. Literary Theory and the New Testament. (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2020).
Freedman, David Noel, ed. "Form Criticism." The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary. New York: Doubleday, 1992.
Friedman, Richard. Who Wrote the Bible? (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2019).
Gerhart, Mary. “Generic Competence in Biblical Hermeneutics.” Edited by Mary Gerhart and James G. Williams. Semeia 43 (1988).
Osborne, Grant R. The Hermeneutical Spiral, rev. and expanded (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2006).
Pritchard, James Bennett, ed. The Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament. 3rd ed. with Supplement. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969 (read the Introduction).
Stowers, S. K. Letter Writing in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Vol. 5. Library of Early Christianity. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1986.
Thiselton, Anthony C. Hermeneutics: An Introduction. Grand Rapids, MI; Cambridge, U.K.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2009.
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