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I don't know about others, but I find these things annoying when I watch a movie or TV show or whatever when I expected to be entertained. I find it irritating when people preach at me or imply ho...
#2: Post edited
I don't know about others, but I find these things annoying when I watch a movie or TV show or whatever when I expected to be <i>entertained</i>. Getting preached at or strong implications of how I'm supposed to act based on someone silly made-up belief system is irritating.Note that this is different from a documentary. When knowingly watching a documentary, I'm expecting to be educated, not necessarily entertained. It can be interesting to see how various belief systems evolved and what they believe, but that's very different from a story where unfounded beliefs are taken for granted to be true. Or even worse, trying to convince me to I should follow the traditions of the made-up belief system.
- I don't know about others, but I find these things annoying when I watch a movie or TV show or whatever when I expected to be <i>entertained</i>. I find it irritating when people preach at me or imply how I should act based on beliefs I don't share.
- Note that this is different from a documentary. When knowingly watching a documentary, I'm expecting to be educated, not necessarily entertained. It can be interesting to see how various belief systems evolved and what they believe, but that's very different from a story where unfounded beliefs are taken for granted to be true. Or even worse, trying to convince me to I should follow the traditions of a belief system I don't subscribe to.
#1: Initial revision
I don't know about others, but I find these things annoying when I watch a movie or TV show or whatever when I expected to be <i>entertained</i>. Getting preached at or strong implications of how I'm supposed to act based on someone silly made-up belief system is irritating. Note that this is different from a documentary. When knowingly watching a documentary, I'm expecting to be educated, not necessarily entertained. It can be interesting to see how various belief systems evolved and what they believe, but that's very different from a story where unfounded beliefs are taken for granted to be true. Or even worse, trying to convince me to I should follow the traditions of the made-up belief system.