Posts by James McLellan
I don't know if this should be an answer or a comment, but an awful lot of contention people have with Noah's story hangs on the definition of "kol". It can mean "all" (and it is used this way in t...
In Numbers 33 Moses gives an exhaustive and detailed list of every place the tribe of Israel stopped, from the moment they left Egypt on the morning after passover until parked right outside of th...
In his letter to the Romans, Paul writes "There is no one righteous, not even one." (Romans 3:10), paraphrasings Psalms 14 and 53. Paul goes on in his letter to build an idea that a perfect life, ...
Maybe it was Egyptian. Please hear me out. Moses grew up in Egyptian court (Exodus 2:10-11). From an available skills perspective, Moses was almost certainly required to learn Egyptian. Also from...